Leaders Beware! Tolerance for bullying, harassment and belittling at all time low.

Feb 07, 2018

This week in ‘Help Me Communicate’:

Leaders beware. Tolerance is at an all time low for bullying, belittling and harassment. How you communicate is more important than ever in history. Don’t get caught. People are going to start reporting harassing type behavior and you and your company may be vulnerable to being harassed yourself by the labor board.

This week I’ll share the basics to being a good communicative leader to avoid being called a harasser. You can become an employer of choice.

Do you want to be a great leader? Do you want to be known as a fair, honest and respecttful? Do you want to make it easy to attract good workers to your team?

Are you using power over techniques to motivate staff? Fear generating techniques?

Do you know how you’re perceived?

Is your work group hitting on all cylinders and getting the results you want?

Ask these question to determine if your people are happy.

Do people use all their sick days?

Are people coming to work with low energy?

Is turnover high? Keep in mind the 10-80-10 rule. 10% of your workforce likes to work independent, set standards, and lead. 10% are in a revolving door and turning over often. 80% are on a continuum where they want and need clear instruction, direction, and to be shown what and how to do their duties and responsibilities.  If your turnover is high in the 80% group, there is a problem with leadership.

Are your people looking for work elsewhere?

If they are, there is be a workplace problem that can be fixed by effective leadership.

Is there infighting amongst your team? If there is you can improve as a leader.

Do you think that no one on your team is as good as you and your way is the best?  If that’s your thought pattern, it’s time to beware in this workforce marketplace. You will lose your good people and your competitors will outshine you. You may lose your job.

Are members of your team going the extra mile for you? If they aren’t there’s an issue with your leadership.

Are people talking about you behind your back? If you’re hearing stories, there’s an issue with your leadership and you may be perceived as a bully or harrassing manager.

Are people afraid to speak up? To share their ideas? If you aren’t getting creativity and performance from your team, you could improve how you lead.

The media is full of stories of bullying and harassment right now. Hollywood up and comers and political staffers  are speaking out. Awareness is heightened. People will start expecting respect and tolerance will be lower for questionable leadership tactics that involve power over and fear invoking leadership and motivational techniques.

Millennial expect respect and demand safe and fair work places. Their tolerance for old school fear and power leadership is low.

Do you have a hard time finding good people? You’re not alone. It’s a big challenge for small and big business.

Unemployment rates are low in general. It’s tough to find good people. When unemployment rates are nearing 5% that means most of the good people are working and you have to be great to attract them to your team. You have to ecome an employer of choice. In any population 5% of workers are unemployable for some reason. They either can’t or won’t work to acceptable standards.

Your options are slim. To become an employer of choice, you must be a great leader and provide a healthy work environment.

Do you want to be a great leader? Do you want to be known as a fair, honest and respecttful? Do you want to make it easy to attract good workers to your team?

How do you do that?

Here’s five things you can do starting right now. It may take time to create that great work environment, but if you’re committed, you can do it. If you want to keep your job, you must do it.

1.     Ask your people how they rate your leadership. Survey them. Getting honest feedback. It may save your job in the future. People like to feel heard.. Ask them what the think and man or woman up and take the negative feedback as an opportunity to be better.  

2.     Provide tons of positive affirmation. Thank your people. do you say thank youto your team at least 10 times a day? This is the opposite of bullying and harassing and it works wonders to motiovate and inspire people. People like to feel like they are contributing and they like to feel appreciated. Tell them when they do well and that you appreciate them. Thank them .

3.     Do fun events a couple times a year for your team. If you don’t have  abudget, do a potluck lunch. Take a break from the daily routine and create an atmosphere of fun and some laughter.

4.     Take time to show people how you want things done. Especially the 80% group. Don’t just tell em.

5.     Keep a coaching file for each employee. When you have to correct them record it. When correcting people use a shit sandwich. Telkl them something positive about them and their work. Give them the constructive criticism. Then tell them something else good about them or their work. Then look for 4 or 5 more opportunities to provide positive feedback over the next few days. Tune into your discipline. Discipline yourself to give positive affirmation.


When you do these five things your team will respond and you will set the pace for leading and your team will outperform your competitors.


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